
Friday, October 23, 2009

Beard of Evil

Why I grew my beard again,  after swearing I wouldn't:
  1. It's something only older men can grow. I am mistaken for a man 12 years younger by anyone who doesn't know me. That's nice, but some guys think I'm younger than that because I don't butt heads and I do over-think things. The beard will be a reminder that I am an old Dad and possibly not stupid. Since apparently I seem to be. It turns out that earning respect in general is tough. Plus it takes quite a long time. Beard takes three months, tops. 
  2. Lord of The Rings. The Beardfest of our time. They can look good -- there were hundreds of decent beards in that.

    Why My Beard is Evil:

    Wednesday, September 30, 2009

    There is a line between pets and robot slaves. This is why I will not buy a robot pet, or even plastic plants.

    Yesterday both my fridge and my fish died.

    I loved that little yellow Betta with orange fins and blue highlights. He ate from my hand and watched me whenever I was in the kitchen. My little buddy.

    Junior never gave him a name, but I promised him that I would never neglect him like his three predecessors (the fish, not Junior, of course), and that I would always change his water before the tank got really green even though he can breathe air if he wants and evolved to live in dirty puddles in Thailand.

    I meant that, but I never promised my stupid fridge ANYTHING because it wasn't a prisoner, it was an EMPLOYEE who had ONE JOB to do and never stopped complaining about it!

    The whining never stopped, and I ended up just smacking it as I passed by to make it quiet down. Shut Up, you ungrateful appliance!!